I love this story. This girl bought a puppy without checking the rules in her apartment building. She finds out she’s not allowed the puppy so while she looks for a new place to live she asks her cousin to look after the dog.
Fast forward a couple of months, she finally has a place to live, and so she asks for her dog back. Not happening. Her cousin says, “SORRY, she’s mine now!” and refuses to return it.
SO savage but can you blame her? It’s practically impossible to say goodbye to a puppy you’ve bonded with for two months!
It’s pretty relatable too. I bet you have at least one item in your house that you ‘borrowed’ until you decided you own it now. For me, it’s a book that my friend’s mom lent me. She told me I had to return it…. yeah, that didn’t happen. The worst part is I never even cracked the book open.
What about you? What items have you borrowed until they just became yours?