Anyone taking the tour of Espanola High as part of last night’s information night would find it difficult not to be impressed by the pride the students have for their school.
The Grade 9 Visual Arts class has been busy over the last few weeks updating faded graduation bricks in the halls going back to the early 1980s.
The bricks were painted by graduates in the year of their convocation.
Still with the story, a special display, There’s A Feather In The Stories by Jayson Stewart’s Appreciating Aboriginal Culture class, greeted visitors at the entrance.
A multi-media mobile, it contains photos of residential school victims and survivors, the institutions themselves and quotes about this part of Canadian history.
The photos represent resilience, strength and mourning, and the feathers represent wisdom and communal healing.
The information night was held to introduce students, parents and the public to the second semester at Espanola High.