As the first day of school nears so does the first ride on a school bus for many students.
The OPP is reminding all residents of some safety tips for both children and parents when dealing with school buses. Police are asking that anyone driving near or around a school bus remain alert for students who are dropped off on the roadside. Officers also ask that students who are using the bus follow these important rules; never run after a bus or away from it, if you drop something under the bus do not go to pick it up and always wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before getting on.
Police ask that if you are a student who doesn’t use a bus to always walk on a sidewalk facing the direction of traffic and when crossing the road only do so at a crosswalk when the signal says to do so.
The OPP want to wish everyone a safe and fun return for the first week of school.
(Written By: Nick Birnie)