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HomeNewsEnvironmental assessments through the North Shore Corridor

Environmental assessments through the North Shore Corridor

Whitefish River First Nation is partnering with nine other North Shore Corridor First Nations of the Wassmoowin Energy Incorporated to carry out environmental assessments along the transmission lines.

Project Engagement Coordinator, Michael Jacko, says the partners came together last Friday for a Water Ceremony at the boat launch in Espanola to ask the Water and Aquatic Spirits permission to do Environmental Assessments through areas on the Hydro One Transmission Line Projects (Northeast and Northshore Link).

He says the gathering also included members from Atkin Realis (Environmental Consultants) and Archeology Service Incorporated as well as members of the wider public.

Jacko adds the Group is a part of 50/50 equity stake for the Northshore and Northshore Link Projects with the assessments getting underway for upgrades to the lines set for 2027.

The member First Nations include White River First Nation, Batchewana First Nation, Garden River First Nation, Thessalon First Nation, Mississauga First Nation, Serpent River First Nation, Sagamok First Nation, Whitefish River First Nation, Atikameksheng First Nation and Wahnapatai First Nation.

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