Christmas Radiothon 2023 has helped the Espanola Regional Hospital & Health Centre Foundation We’re Close to Home campaign move closer to its goal of raising $600,000 to revamp the long-term care facilities, which houses over 60 residents on site.
The Moose 99.3 FM CJJM – Espanola has partnered with the hospital foundation for the last nine years to raise equipment and retrofits for various projects not supported by any government funding.
Campaign fundraising kicked off this summer and has included private and memoriam donations, a golf tournament, icing cookies, lots, and lots of cookies … and the radiothon of course.
The radiothon held last Friday raised close to $5000, and add in all the fundraisers since the launch, the campaign is over the $191,000 mark.
Over the last nine years the partners have raised over $250,000 for the new therapeutic park, breathing, blood testing and other lab equipment, the retrofit of the medical imaging suite and the upgrade of the palliative/hospice care room.