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HomeElectionsFederal Election 2015Robichaud on the Ring of Fire

Robichaud on the Ring of Fire

Contrary to what the other parties claim, the Conservative candidate in Algoma Manitoulin Kapuskasing says the Harper government is committed to developing the Ring of Fire.  Andre Robichaud says this past March the feds committed to a joint study with the provincial Liberals focusing on the chromite project.    That study deals with a transportation corridor for the Ring of Fire and Robichaud adds it includes First Nations.   Robichaud also says the Tories announced their support for mining development in the last budget by introducing an enhanced mining credit for remote projects that face higher costs and he adds that has Ring of Fire written all over it.  Also running in the riding are Green candidate Calvin John Orok, Heather Wilson of the Liberals and incumbent New Democrat Carol Hughes.

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