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HomeElectionsFederal Election 2015Robichaud on carbon tax

Robichaud on carbon tax

The Tory running for office in Algoma Manitoulin Kapuskasing is taking aim at the NDP over the phrase carbon tax.  Andre Robichaud says the NDP are calling their proposal a cap and trade and not a carbon tax.  Robichaud says the New Democrats can call it what they want but in the end it’s still a tax that hurts the economy.  Robichaud says carbon taxes are job killers and a tax would hurt industries in Northern Ontario which are resource dependent.  He says the north already struggles with high electricity rates and the last thing it needs is another hit that costs jobs.  Robichaud says the federal Conservatives are the only party who won’t introduce a carbon tax.  In addition to Robichaud, Heather Wilson of the Liberals and New Democrat Carol Hughes are three of the four candidates running in the riding.  A Green Party candidate submitted his name just under Monday’s nomination deadline to run in AMK and his name is Calvin John Orok.

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