You’ve been using mouthwash wrong this whole time.
What’s your oral hygiene routine? For me it goes: floss, brush teeth, use mouthwash. I bet a lot of you do the same thing. WRONG!
A dentist just came out on social media telling people to STOP using mouthwash after they brush their teeth. They both have fluoride in them, but toothpaste has significantly more. So when you use mouthwash after toothpaste, you’re removing the good fluoride and putting bad fluoride on. It’s like you’re getting a beautiful haircut and putting a decent hat on. Like yeah… people might think you’re cool with the hat on but they’d think you’re WAY cooler if you showed off the haircut.
Maybe that analogy was a bit of a stretch.
So the dentist said to use mouthwash BEFORE brushing your teeth, or not even when you brush your teeth. Use mouthwash after meals for the best effects.
If you and I have been using mouthwash wrong, something so simple, what else have we been doing wrong?
Laundry? Dishes? Am I a lot dumber than I thought I was?