Are you one of those people that likes to be scared? Scary movies, scary TV shows… they’re your thing? You’ve got to check out this trailer.
Netflix just announced their newest dating show. It’s called ‘Sexy Beasts’ and the twist is everyone is dressed in animal prosthetics…
That’s one of the creepiest things I’ve ever seen!
You know Netflix is out of good ideas when they decide to produce this. And someone was paid a six-figure salary to come up with this! That looks good for you and me. If someone made over $100,000 to come up with, “let’s dress them up like animals”, then you and I could surely do that job.
What’s your next great dating show idea?
Throughout Indigenous History Month, Mackenzie Jacobs has been joining the show to teach words and phrases from the Ojibwe language. Today we learned the last of the four sacred medicines, cedar or giizhikaandak.
Let me know what words you want to learn next!