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HomeMoose Mornings2021_04_27 A New Album From Heart.... Sort of

2021_04_27 A New Album From Heart…. Sort of

A rock icon is releasing a new album. 46 years after releasing her first album with the band Heart, lead guitarist Nancy Wilson is releasing a solo album! It’s called You and Me and it comes out on May 7th.

The coolest part of the album is the end. I don’t mean that in a “the album sucks and you’ll be glad when it’s over” type of way. It’s because the final track is a tribute to one of her guitar heroes, Eddie Van Halen.

The song is called “4 Edward” and it’s an instrumental tribute to Eddie. I could explain the story behind the tribute, but there’s no need; Nancy does it herself.

If I were Nancy I would tell that story to everyone, “oh by the way I gave Eddie Van Halen his first acoustic guitar!”

What an amazing story.

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