Although there was no admission of guilt, a former Espanola woman has paid restitution to the Espanola Royal Canadian Legion Branch #39.
In a plea deal with the Crown, Anita Everett, who now resides in Elliot Lake, has paid the branch $5,000 in restitution, according to Legion President Gary McPherson.
He says the money is less than the money that went missing from when Everett was employed as the secretary but represents more than what the branch might have been compensated for if they had continued with the prosecution.
Back in August 2017 and following a nine-month investigation, the now-defunct Espanola Police Service laid one count each of theft over $5,000 and theft under $5,000 against Everett contending more than $30,000 was missing from two Legion accounts.
McPherson says he is pleased to finally see closure sparing members from having to endure a lengthy trial adding the monies have now been deposited back into the Legion’s charity account.